Product updates

Identity phase 2 brings enhanced security to isolved People Cloud on Dec 1.

Starting Friday, Dec. 1, multi-factor authentication (MFA) will be required at every login to isolved People Cloud.

We take the protection of your data very seriously and are focused on creating a stronger, more secure experience that protects personally identifiable information (PII), along with sensitive business and payroll-related information.

To further strengthen the security of isolved People Cloud, important enhancements will take effect on Dec. 1. All users, including employees will:

  1. Be timed out of isolved after 15 minutes of inactivity. The 15-minute timeout will not be configurable.
  2. Be required to have multi-factor authentication every time they log into isolved.

We recognize this is a necessary, but big change. To make it easier for your employees, we wanted to point out that the existing email and text authentication method in isolved will still be available to use.  To take advantage of text verification for MFA, please ensure your employees log into self-service and update their mobile phone number. 

Your employees don’t need to setup an additional alternative authentication method, if they are comfortable with email or text.  They would simply need to bypass the setup process at login. And if they choose to setup an alternative authentication process in the future, they will be able to do so.

Follow this link for further information on upcoming changes.