Is your termination process putting your company at risk? Discover five common mistakes employers make during a termination meeting and how you can avoid them. You’ll get practical tips for how to approach the meeting, conduct the termination and communicate the employee’s departure to your organization. After this webinar, you’ll have tools and guidance to effectively manage termination meetings.
- Lack of leadup
- Dangerous reasons
- A meeting without a plan
- Delivery of the news
- The aftershock
Join us at noon Central Time on Aug. 18 for our webinar: Five termination traps to avoid.
These webinars are intended for clients using Insperity’s Workforce Acceleration or Workforce Administration product offering. Workforce Optimization customers should reach out to their WO Insperity HR Specialist for guidance.
Missed a webinar? You can always access past webinars on the Insperity® Help Center. Go to HR Webinars to access the recordings and slides.